
SCC 2016 Conference Committees

Conference Chairs

K.H. Khayat, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA, Chair
S. P. Shah, Northwestern University, USA, Co-Chair

Honorary Advisory Committee

G. De Schutter, Chair of SCC 2007, Ghent, Belgium
K.H. Khayat, Chair of SCC 2010, Montreal, Canada
H. Okamura, Chair of SCC 2001, Tokyo, Japan
N. Roussel, Chair of SCC 2013, Paris, France
S. P. Shah, Chair of SCC 2005 and SCC2008, Chicago, USA
A. Skarendahl, Chair of SCC 1999, Stockholm, Sweden
O. Wallevik, Chair of SCC 2003, Reykjavik, Iceland

Steering Committee

S. P. Shah, Northwestern University, Chair
K. Wang, Iowa State University, Co-Chair
B. Blair, Lafarge North America, USA
J. Daczko, BASF Construction Chemicals
R. Detwiler, PCI
D. Feys, Missouri University of Science and Technology
J. Garbini, RMC Research & Education Foundation
K.H. Khayat, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Chair
D. Lange, University of IL – Urbana-Champagne
L. Lemay, NRMCA
D. Marsh, Concrete Products Magazine
C. Ozyildirim, Virginia Transportation Research Council, USA
W. Palmer, Hanley Wood Business Media, USA
W. Phelan, The Euclid Chemical Company
A. Schindler, Auburn University, USA
A. Sherman, Missouri University of Science and Technology
G. Spitzmiller, Missouri University of Science and Technology
S. Vanikar, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
W. Weiss, Purdue University

International Technical Committee

O. Wallevik, ICI, Iceland (Chair)
C. Shi, Hunan University, China (Co-Chair)
J. Aldred, AECOM, Australia
M. Alexander, University of Cape Town, S. Africa
A. Duran Herrera, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
Robert Flatt, ETH Zurich
R. Gettu, IIT-Madras, India
T.A. Hammer, SINTEF, Norway
Z. Li, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
M. Ouchi, Kochi University, Japan
Johann Plank, Technical University of Munich
Zhengwu Jiang, Tongji University, China
A. Schindler, Auburn University, USA
M. Sonebi, Queen's University, Belfast, UK
J. Walraven, Delft University, The Netherlands
A. Yahia, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
F. Yazbeck, Readymix Abu Dhabi, UAE
P. Yan, Tsinghua University, China

Scientific Committee

G. De Schutter, Ghent University, Belgium, Chair
N. Roussel, LCPC, France, co-chair
H. Abdelgader, Tripoli University, Libya
M. Al Kazzas, Sodamco, Lebanon
C. Bédard, The Euclid Chemical Company, Canada
H. Bessaies, IFSTTAR, France
P. Billberg, Consolis, Sweden
C. Brumaud, ETH, Zurich
J. Daczko, BASF Construction Chemicals, USA
T. K. Erdem, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
L. Ferrara, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
C. Ferraris, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
R. Flatt, Sika, Switzerland
M. Geiker, Technical University of Denmark
S. Grünewald, Hurks Beton / TU Delft, the Netherlands
J. Hu, Texas State University
S. Kawashima, Columbia University, New York, NY
M. Khrapko, CBE Consultancy, New Zealand
J.H. Kim, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea
E. Koehler, W.R. Grace & Co., USA
M. Konsta-Gdoutos, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
A. Leemann, EMPA, Switzerland
W. Long, Shenzhen University, China
D. Ludirdja, Trumix LLC, USA
P. Lura, EMPA, Switzerland
W. Mansour, Readymix Abu Dhabi, UAE
C. Mazzotti, University of Bologna, Italy
G. Morcous, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
F. Müller, IMP Bautest AG, Switzerland
J. Myers, Missouri University of Science and Technology
H. Nassif, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Serina Ng, Sintef, Norway
A. Perrot, Université de Bretagne Sud, France
A. Schindler, Auburn University, USA
W. Schmidt, BAM Berlin, Germany
K. Sideris, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
K.R. Sompura, Sika Corporation, USA
C. Talbot, The Euclid Chemical Company, USA
L.N. Thrane, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark
F. Toussaint, Pôle technologique Lafarge, France
N. Tregger, W. R. Grace, USA
M. Vachon, Sika, USA
Jon E. Wallevik, ICI, Iceland
K. Wang, Iowa State University, USA
M. Zhang, National University of Singapore
W. Zhu, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK